Monday, June 14, 2010

Report From Today's Study Group

Today we were so sorry Stacy was sick and not able to teach us, but we carried on and seven of us had a very nice hour together. We talked about our impressions of Stake Conference, about personal revelation, and shared some testimonies and experiences. Sisters shared their struggles and got support from the others. The Spirit was there, and it was an honor to have these sisters in my home to talk about the gospel. A few favorites from Stake Conference:
"You can never predict or prescribe the answers to your prayers or the way they will come." -- Jan Sudweeks
"You say Mormons Aren't Christians?? Those are fightin' words!" -- President Crickmore
Marlene, quoting Julie Beck, shared how she feels "bathed in help" all the time even when she has challenges. Susan feels peace; even when she doesn't know in what way things will work out, she knows that God is in charge and knows her and cares for her. I (Mindy) shared the analogy that as long as we are holding the Savior's hand, even if we are hanging off the side of a cliff (and the people we care for are hanging onto our ankles!), we won't fall.
Stacy (and other sisters), we missed you and hope you will be with us next week!

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